If you have any press enquiries regarding the Midland Automobile Club or Shelsley Walsh, please email info@mac1901.co.uk
Members of the press and media are welcome to attend our events – all we ask is you follow the guidelines set out below.
How To Apply
Anyone wishing to attend an MAC event in a media capacity must complete the Media Accreditation Form below along with the requested examples of work.
Please note that applications close 14 days before the first event of the season. Only one ticket is issued per application – film teams should note that we require the name and contact details of all working members of your team. Passes will be sent
out in time for the start of the season.
Media Accreditation Guidelines
To qualify for media accreditation, you must be active within the motorsport arena and hold motorsport public liability insurance at a minimum value of £5 million. The MAC are active in promoting a new generation of media and will always consider any
well-presented proposal.
To apply for media accreditation, please fill out the accreditation form below and upload two examples of published work from the past twelve months relating to motor sport, as well as a letter from the editor of a publication you are attending on behalf of. If you are attending as a photographer on behalf of yourself, please submit a note to confirm this.
All members of the media must confirm whether you are planning to attend an event 10 days before the event takes place by contacting info@shelsleywalsh.com. If an event takes place over more than one day, you must let us know whether you are attending for one day or both days. All media will also be required to sign on in the paddock office on the morning of each event. After attending the event the MAC will expect at least 30 images per day to be sent to the Office no later than 7 days after the event.
In accepting any pass which enables me to move outside the approved enclosures at this event, I acknowledge the risks to myself in the use of this pass and accept that motorsport can be dangerous and that accidents can and do occur despite organisers taking all reasonable precautions. Furthermore, in consideration of the facilities granted to me, for which the pass is issued, I agree, unless the law provides otherwise, to save harmless and keep indemnified the organisers and promoters of the event for which the pass is issued, including but not limited to the Midland Automobile Club and Shelsley Walsh or Motorsport UK and their respective officials, servants, representatives and agents and drivers from and against all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss of or damage to any persons or their property, arising from my actions while at Shelsley Walsh, notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the said bodies, their officials, servants, representatives and agents and drivers or riders and passengers. I agree to comply with any terms and conditions applying from time to time to admittance to the venue and to the instructions of officials, failing which I acknowledge that the Midland Automobile Club and Shelsley Walsh has the absolute right to remove me from the venue and remove my pass. I declare that I am over 18 years of age.