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A simple guide to the essential equipment and documentation needed to compete in Interclub Hill Climb and Sprint events. A novice driver will be allowed to compete only in Interclub grade events until he or she has proved their ability to conduct themselves in a safe and proper manner, as observed at six events by the Clerk of the Course, before upgrading their licence to National , which will allow them to enter any event. A novice driver will not be allowed to drive any sports libre car or racing car over 1100cc on an Interclub licence.

  • Club membership. You will need to be a member of an active motor club recognised by Motorsport UK. The more prominent the club the more invitations you will receive to compete in other clubs’ events. The Midland Automobile Club is excellent in this respect and members receive attractive discounts on entry fees at club events.


  • An RS Interclub competition licence. Obtained from Motorsport UK, 141 Command Works, Bicester Motion, Bicester, OX27 8FY. Phone: 01753 765000 or apply online at


  • Vehicle log book. This is a documentary record of your car and its scrutineering history. This is available from Motorsport UK headquarters or most senior scrutineers on payment of a small fee. A log book is not needed if you are competing in a road registered road legal car, taxed and MOT tested.

  • Crash helmet of a type approved in the Blue book, lists should be checked carefully before purchasing, always buy the best equipment you can afford. Cost £300-£500.


  • Protective fire resistant overalls, suitable types are listed in the Blue book. Again, purchase carefully to ensure a good fit. Cost can vary from £300 – £600.


  • The use of gloves has been mandatory since 2010.


  • Optional is the use of fire resistant underwear and special non slip shoes.

For more information please contact:

Annie Goodyear

01886 812211 ext 4


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